Partner Spotlight Video

The Best Marketing Tool
Our Approach
The Best Marketing Tool
Partner Spotlight Videos are Testimonials Videos that our team have developed.
They highlight your product through the eyes of your customers, answers potential questions and shows its benefits. After all, who better to recommend your product than your own satisfied customers?

If you want to create content that grabs the interest of your audience without being too gimmicky our Partner spotlight Videos are the perfect marketing tool. (Watch examples here & here)

It’s one thing to run an ad that emphasizes the features of your product or service. It’s another to let people see how that product or service improves real customers’ lives. In an age when consumers aren’t very trusting of companies, hearing from fellow consumers makes a big difference. People trust other people.

Video Testimonials leverage trust and social proof, and that makes them one of the best ways to convince potential customers that they should buy your product or service.

Our Approach
The Last Video team is happy to assist in the development of your Video Testimonial.
We take care of the entire development process: from the initial brainstorming sessions and coming up with the concept to producing, distributing and evaluating the Video Testimonial.

Preparation is key! It’s great that a real customer is credible and authentic, but that doesn’t mean that you just let him tell something spontaneously. Decide which strength you want to emphasize (pick 1 or 2 strengths per video), and have the client talk what they like about your company, what problem your product solved and how it changed their lives for the better.

Once we know exactly what we want to communicate, The Last Video organizes the whole Video Production, from cameras to lights to make-up & catering, and much more…

A great video testimonial isn’t easy—it takes time and effort- but a well-made video testimonial can be one of the most valuable pieces of content that you’ll create!